The spread of #COVID_19 also in Spain has forced the Spanish Government to decree the State of Alarm, adopting a series of very forceful measures to try to reduce or slow down the spread of this powerful virus.
Our country has a robust public and private healthcare system and is adopting a series of urgent and far-reaching measures, putting all the physical and human means from different areas (public and private) to try to control the spread of this virus. Above all, the attitude that the health personnel are showing to face this complex situation is admirable.
One of the main consequences of these measures is that it will force all of us to isolate ourselves socially for a few weeks, being able to leave our homes only to work, buy food and medicine.
At Honeygreen we had prepared for this possible scenario, planning with our technological partner the possibility that all the people in our company could work from home, leaving the option to those who freely and responsibly would have to come to our offices to work, do so with full guarantee following the hygienic-sanitary recommendations of our authorities.
You cannot imagine the satisfaction that causes me seeing how our team is responding to this situation, that nobody could have ever taught them in any of the universities where they have studied…
In situations like this it is when it is most evident if the people in our team bring out the best in themselves and demonstrate whether those values that Honeygreen agreed upon in their day would be ours are truly, values that we try to breathe every day (with or without antivirus masks).
This isolation that our Government asks us to abide by, makes you value more than ever what you have. Unfortunately, we don’t tend to value what we possess until we lose it: being very close to everyone who matters in your life, dining out with friends, eating with colleagues, greeting your neighbours, chatting face to face while drinking together a cup of coffee, etc.
As long as this lasts, it should make us reflect to be aware of the immense fortune we have to live the life we have and once all this passes, we are even more kind and grateful to the people around us.
We already want to thank you for your patience and understanding if we could fail you in anything. Know that we will do everything possible so that, despite the disadvantages of this situation, it affects you as little as possible.
Thank you.
Jaime Ferrando
CEO HoneyGreen+